Closing ceremony

Veritas Stadion

To­tal of 5337 gym­nasts ages five to over 60 will per­form in the clo­sing ce­re­mo­ny (Tun­ne lii­ke). The en­semb­le of the ce­re­mo­ny is de­sig­ned by Han­ne­le Ahl­qvist and Mar­ja Kal­li­o­nie­mi.

1.Voi­mis­te­lu on ko­ti­ni (745 gym­nasts)
Dif­fe­rent age groups from the Com­pe­ti­ti­ons (all dis­cip­li­nes) joi­ned by jud­ges and co­ac­hes. Ac­ro­ba­tic gym­nasts, ar­tis­tic gym­nas­tics of men and wo­men, team gym, tram­po­li­ne gym­nas­tics
Cho­re­og­rap­hy by Alii­sa Mä­ki­nen and her team Vil­le Al­me­nok­sa, Siru Leh­mus­kal­lio, Eija Ne­van­pää, An­ni­ka Sa­vo­la, So­nia So­lis­maa

2.Elä­män voi­ma (1133 gym­nasts)
Flow gym­nas­tics, wo­men
Cho­re­og­rap­hy by Riik­ka Vir­ka­jär­vi-John­son

3.Va­lon liekki (468 gym­nasts)
The School of Gym­nas­tics -prog­ram, child­ren ages 7-13
Cho­re­og­rap­hy by Kat­ja Lei­no-Mur­to­jär­vi

4.Tah­don tie­tää kaikki (237 gym­nasts)
Fa­mi­ly gym­nas­tics and child­ren un­der 7 ye­ars old
Cho­re­og­rap­her Heli Suok­ko-Ra­ja­la

5.Ilon Myrs­ky (226 per­for­mers)
Ex­cer­ci­se gym­nas­tics, men and wo­men
Cho­re­og­rap­hy by Mai­ja Aal­to and Hei­di Kyy­rö

6.Ää­re­tön lii­ke (138 gym­nasts)
Aest­he­tic group gym­nas­tics and rhyt­mic gym­nas­tics (Com­pe­ti­ti­ve)
Cho­re­og­rap­hy by Tar­ja Ra­si­mus-Jär­vi­nen

7.#oon­just­hy­vä­näin (499 per­for­mers)
Dan­ce, youth, over 12 ye­ars old
Cho­re­og­rap­hy by Riik­ka Kuu­si­poh­ja and Nea Val­lin

8.Sa­lai­nen la­by­rint­ti (965 gym­nasts)
The School of Gym­nas­tics -prog­ram
Child­ren, over 7 ye­ars old
Cho­re­og­rap­hy by Kat­ri Kuk­ko­la and Jen­ni Mer­ra

Rope Skip­ping
Vo­lun­teers and the late bird par­ti­ci­pants over 12 ye­ars old Solo by Kim XX
Cho­re­og­rap­hy by Lii­sa Lap­pa­lai­nen Drills by Ma­ri­an­na Tar­ha­la

10.Dan­ce, Dan­ce, Dan­ce (136 per­for­mers, GER)
Dan­ce, Hip­Hop Youth (over 12 ye­ars old) and adults Ger­man Gym­nas­tics As­so­ci­a­ti­on (DTB)
Cho­re­og­rap­hy by Bir­ke Kot­re, Turn­ver­band Bay­ern and the team Jen­ny Ach­tels­tet­ter, Ilo­na Bro­sa­mer, Kirs­ten Joh­ner, An­ge­la Salz

11.Ener­gi­an ym­pä­röi­mä (790 gym­nasts)
Flow gym­nas­tics, Youth and adults (over 12 ye­ars old)
Cho­re­og­rap­hy Ee­ri­ka Laa­lo- Häi­kiö

12.Fi­nal (4219 gym­nasts)
Cho­re­og­rap­hy Han­ne­le Alqh­vist and Mar­ja Kal­li­o­nie­mi
Ani­ma­ti­on Mar­lee­na Lin­na­kos­ki

13.Thank you speech
The Pre­si­dent of Fin­nish Gym­nas­tics Fe­de­ra­ti­on Kai­sa Vik­ku­la and the Sec­re­ta­ry Ge­ne­ral of Fin­nish Gym­nas­tics Fe­de­ra­ti­on Ma­ria Laak­so

14.Event dan­ce

Par­ti­ci­pant Gui­deJune 2018