School accommodation and catering


School ac­com­mo­da­ti­on is me­ant for tho­se who have re­ser­ved and paid for it be­fo­re­hand. The­re are 14 ac­com­mo­da­ti­on schools, which can be found from the list be­low. The­re is also a pho­ne num­ber for eve­ry school. The as­so­ci­a­ti­on su­per­vi­sing the school ans­wers to this pho­ne. Only the ones who have the school’s name in their par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on card are al­lo­wed on the school.

School’s con­tact in­for­ma­ti­ons:

Name of the school/ lo­ca­ti­ons/ num­ber

Num­men­pa­kan kou­lu Aura­joen yk­sik­kö, Pa­pin­katu 4 puh. 0405714734

Cyg­na­euk­sen kou­lu, Maa­ri­an­katu 7 puh. 0405857512

To­pe­liuk­sen kou­lu Ju­ha­na Hert­tua, Han­sa­katu 2 puh. 0406300558

Va­sa­ra­mäen kou­lu Sy­ree­ni, Sy­ree­ni­kuja 1 puh. 0405794687

Luos­ta­ri­vuo­ren kou­lu, Luos­ta­rin­katu 13 puh. 0404853522

Luos­ta­ri­vuo­ren kou­lu Mar­tin yk­sik­kö, Ho­pe­a­se­pän­kuja 2 puh. 0401940350

Num­men­pa­kan kou­lu Num­men yk­sik­kö, Kirk­ko­tie 31 puh. 0404860126

Puo­la­lan kou­lu, Puu­tar­ha­katu 5 puh. 0405470546

Puro­pel­lon kou­lu, Se­pän­katu 11 puh. 0405466040

Ries­ka­läh­teen kou­lu. Jöl­lin­tie 3 puh. 0401928041

Samp­pa­lin­nan kou­lu, Itäi­nen Pit­kä­katu 45 puh. 0401984079

St. Olofss­ko­lan, Luos­ta­rin­katu 11 puh. 0405872643

Tu­run Am­mat­ti-ins­ti­tuut­ti Kel­lon­soit­ta­ja, Kel­lon­soit­ta­jan­katu 9-11 puh. 0404865859

Va­sa­ra­mäen kou­lu Leh­mus, Leh­mus­tie 7 puh. 0401625983

More inst­ruc­ti­on for the ones ac­com­mo­da­ting at the school can be found here.


Bre­ak­fast will be ser­ved at your ac­com­mo­da­ti­on school. Lunch and din­ner schools are mar­ked in your par­ti­ci­pant card’s cou­pons.

Par­ti­ci­pant Gui­deJune 2018