Event venues

Event area is cen­tered to Kupit­taa park area , where all the gym­nas­tics com­pe­ti­tions and side events are held nearby. There will be com­pe­ti­tions, group per­for­mances, gym­nas­tics per­for­mances, city per­for­mances and many ac­tiv­i­ties in the area!

We have four dif­fer­ent city stages in the event area, where you can see city per­for­mances, ath­lete in­ter­views and artist per­form.

Event Square stage
Turku Cathe­dral Square stage
Vähä­tori Square stage
Kris­ti­inankatu Square stage

Be­low, you can find the map of Kupit­taa park area.

A. Stage
B. Food and drinks
C. Info desk and ticket sales
D. EA- tent
E. Toi­lets

Events and locations

Kupit­taan urheiluhalli: com­pe­ti­tions (Aes­thetic Group Gym­nas­tics, Aer­o­bics, Rhyth­mic Gym­nas­tics and Tram­po­line Gym­nas­tics)

Kupit­taan pal­loiluhalli: com­pe­ti­tions (Men’s and Women’s Artis­tic Gym­nas­tics, Team­Gym, Ac­ro­batic Gym­nas­tics)

Samp­palinna school’s sports hall : com­pe­ti­tions (Rhyth­mic Gym­nas­tics), Ko­taro Ya­mada work­shop

Marli Arena: com­pe­ti­tions (dance and Gym For Life), Group Per­for­mances, ”Rock, rauha ja rakkaus”- Gym­nas­tics per­for­mance

Juissi-halli: Gym­nas­tics ac­tiv­i­ties Skills Arena

Ver­i­tas Sta­dion: Tunne li­ike -clos­ing cer­e­mony

Event Square: city per­for­mances, artists

Turku Cathe­dral Square: city per­for­mances, artists

Vähä­tori Square: Gym­nas­tics and Dance per­for­mances

Kris­ti­inankatu stage: Gym­nas­tics and Dance per­for­mances

Par­tic­i­pant GuideJune 2018